Global mental health

For the right to mental health for all – worldwide

1 in 7 people worldwide suffer from mental health problems. Among children and young people, the figure is 1 in 5. Although there are effective treatments for mental health problems, many lack access to care. Stigma and ignorance lead to discrimination and violations of human rights.

It is time for a change!

About us

The Swedish Network for Global Mental Health is a platform that brings together Swedish actors in the field, from researchers to policy makers. We exist to improve Sweden’s work on mental health, both locally and globally. We spread knowledge, organize events and facilitate collaboration.

Welcome to join us!

“When it comes to global health, there is no ‘them’ only ‘us’.”

Global Health Council

There are solutions an possibilities

Research shows that there are many interventions that can improve mental health worldwide. From prevention to scalable treatment programs.

What is missing are resources, commitment and political decisions.


Learn more about global mental health challenges and Sweden’s role in solving them.


The network organizes lectures and events to spread knowledge and create dialogue between stakeholders. You can find our events at our LinkedIn page.