Our publications

Global mental health – an introduction

Global mental health – an introduction

This review provides a brief summary of the field of global mental health. It describes the state of mental health in the world, the challenges that exist and possible solutions.

The report also provides a snapshot of Sweden’s work in the field in terms of research, education, aid and coordination. Recommendations are given on how Swedish actors can contribute effectively to the international mental health movement.

Editor: Anna-Theresia Ekman
Publication date: 16 March 2022
ISBN: 978-91-527-2675-4

Version in Swedish
Version in English

Psykisk hälsa – en rättighetsfråga

This report in Swedish provides an introduction to MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) in both humanitarian crises and long-term development work.

Author: Collaboration with War Child Sweden
Publication date: 6 December 2021

Version in Swedish

Resources from other actors

The Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development. This report series provides an overview and a good introduction to the field. It presents challenges, solutions and key approaches to global mental health.

Our World in Data – Mental Health. A large and interactive collection of data on the global prevalence of mental disorders.

The WHO Resource Center on Mental Health. Data on the global prevalence of mental disorders, recommendations and guidelines. WHO has also developed treatment manuals and brochures for global distribution.

Mental Health Innovation Network. A platform that brings together materials and initiatives on global mental health. Managed by the WHO and the Centre for Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.